Your feelings are not there to be cast out or conquered. They're there to be engaged and expressed with imagination and intelligence.

-- T.K. Coleman

I provide consulting services for organizations who wish to incorporate concepts of emotional intelligence into their leadership development programs.  As an executive leader, I offer expertise and insight for your organization that can greatly enhance your efforts to better prepare leaders in the workplace. I look forward to partnering with your organization to design innovative programs tailored to meet the leadership needs of your teams.

Additionally, I offer training in emotional intelligence for professional groups to improve individual performance and overall group dynamics in religious and educational settings. Building upon the concepts from my book, Emotional Intelligence for Religious Leaders, I provide specialized workshops for church staff and for those who work in religious settings as well as create emotional intelligence curriculum for seminaries and Bible colleges. As a former pastor and university dean, I am passionate about helping to create a healthy professional environment for pastors to serve others and fulfill their calling.  Please contact me to discuss how I can meet the needs of your group and elevate the overall emotional intelligence of your organization. 

Listen to Dr. West discuss his book, Emotional Intelligence for Religious Leaders, on Relevant Radio!

“Joe welcomes Dr. John West. Dr West describes emotional intelligence. How well do you recognize your emotions and the emotions of others? Dr. West speaks about a religious leader who trained in conflict management. Some religious leaders today may have a “blind spot” in emotional self-awareness, and instead decide to focus exclusively on things like Theology.” -Relevant Radio Podcast

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